Benvolguts amics
Des de la plataforma Barcelona Turisme Creatiu ens plau oferir-vos la possibilitat de promoure les vostres activitats i serveis de cursos, tallers, cessions d’espais i convocatòries, al sector del turisme creatiu, un sector en auge a nivell mundial, que representa un perfil de viatgers cada vegada més nombrosos, que desitgen descobrir la cultura local tot participant en activitats artístiques i creatives.

La nostra plataforma ha estat capdavantera a nivell mundial i és a l’origen de la xarxa internacional Creative Tourism Network®, organisme official per a la promoció del turisme creatiu.
Promovem les vostres ofertes cap al(s) seu(s) mercats objectiu(s), mitjançant:
Secció dedicada i promoció de les vostres ofertes en aquesta web ia Creative Tourism Network
Creació de continguts multimedia sobre les vostres activitats, en diversos idiomas
Distinctiu d’entitat adherida a collocar en el votre web i material promocional
Promoció internacional de les vostres ofertes cap al seu(s) mercats(s) objectiu(s) a nivell internacional, mitjançant: community management, campanyes de prensa, newsletters enviades mensualment a tour operators i perdiodistes
Collaboracions amb agències de viatges i tour operators, participació a fires i congressos internacionals, organització de bloc i press trips, així com les diverses accions que desenvolupem amb entitats internacionals
L’import és
→ 50 euros per:
- Entitats proveedores d’activitats creatives (tallers de ceràmica, escoles de cuina, escoles de balls, etc.)
- Botigues especialitzades (material d’art plástics, roba i calçats de ball, lloguer d’instruments, etc)
- Lloguer d’espais (sales d’assaig, sales de spectable, espais d’exposició, co-working, etc).
→ 70 euros per al lotjaments sostenibles i creatius.

No. Barcelona Creative Tourism is a non-for-profit platform managed by a group of experts in creative tourism, whose mission is to advise, select and promote the best creative tourism experiences and services in Barcelona. Up to you to contact and book directly with the providers. We do not charge any commission.
It depends on the activities. Please, contact each entity.
They can really be of all kinds! From a two-hours cooking class to a week-crafts workshop, passing through a professional music or photography master-class. Their common criteria are: authenticity, quality, Km0 culture, their targets to both locals and tourists, and adaptability to make your dream-com-true, for a low budget.
- The Barcelona Creative Tourism platform has been the first creative tourism platform created in the world at a city level (2004). Its founders then created the Creative Tourism Network® to foster the creative offers promotion and the destination networking at an international level.
- As a non-for-profit platform, our selection is exclusively motivated by the quality, authenticity, creativity and adaptability of the experiences, activities and services. They respond to the standards of quality imposed by the Creative Tourism Network®.
- We are both Barcelonian lovers and creative tourism experts who will do our best to make your – creative – dream come true in our city and its surroundings?
No, they are disseminated in different districts to offer you a like-a-local experience, as well as in its surroundings. We also recommend you a countryside creative experience at VisitEmpordanet.
Of course, we will analyse them, but you can also contact us previously for any inquiry or suggestion.
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